1·Responsible for project built apartment rental business.
2·The main customers for the apartment rental Web sites are property owners who pay a listing fee.
3·As with an apartment rental contract, car leasing will have a fixed period — typically two or three years.
租车合同和租房一样:需要一个固定期限- - -典型的是两到三年。
4·Notable companies not included on last year’s list include Airbnb , the apartment rental service, and Rovio , the maker of Angry Birds, and dozens of others.
值得关注的公司不包括在去年的榜单中,像是:公寓租赁服务公司 Airbub ,以及开发了“愤怒的小鸟”的 Rovio ,和另外其他一些公司。
5·When we moved into a rental apartment a couple of years ago, we realized that ownership had been a burden, a time sink, and a money pit.
6·When we moved into a rental apartment a couple of years ago, werealized that ownership had been a burden, a time sink, and a money pit.
当我们两年前搬进一套租用的公寓时,我们认识到,业主身份早就是沉重的负担, 随时沉没 ,而且还是一个填不满的钱坑。
7·Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village is a sprawling series of brick apartment buildings with 11, 000 rental units that line New York’s East River.
史蒂文森城–彼得库伯村(Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village)由一系列不规则延伸的砖砌公寓建筑组成,11,000套出租单元沿着纽约的东河排列成行。
8·Every time I've moved into a new rental, I've found some damage somewhere in the apartment.
9·They will move into a rental apartment next month.
10·Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village is a sprawling series of brick apartment buildings with 11,000 rental units that line New York's East River.